Boulevardier Bouquet (Tulips)


Tulips are gorgeous. In an effort to make someone smile or simply to add a little color in your space, three dozen tulips will be artfully wrapped and sent to you or the recipient’s door. We love to hand-write a note, so feel free to add that at checkout. Deliveries will be made on Thursday or Friday.

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Tulips are gorgeous. In an effort to make someone smile or simply to add a little color in your space, three dozen tulips will be artfully wrapped and sent to you or the recipient’s door. We love to hand-write a note, so feel free to add that at checkout. Deliveries will be made on Thursday or Friday.

Tulips are gorgeous. In an effort to make someone smile or simply to add a little color in your space, three dozen tulips will be artfully wrapped and sent to you or the recipient’s door. We love to hand-write a note, so feel free to add that at checkout. Deliveries will be made on Thursday or Friday.